PilotFish Interface Exchange (PIE)

A marketplace for eiConsole (IDE) interface templates, components and industry bundles
eiConsole IDE 90-Day Free Trial!
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PilotFish eiConsole
The eiConsole IDE is highly recommended to support graphical development of interfaces for deployment to the eiPlatform runtime The eiPlatform is required to run in production interfaces configured using the eiConsole
Release Date
February 29, 2012
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Product details

HL7 2.x: ADT A06 Change Outpatient to Inpatient

To use this and other PIE interface templates you'll need our fast and powerful eiConsole.

(Downloading a 90-Day trail requires just an email for registration. See "To use this interface template" for details.)

This ADT A06 Change Outpatient to Inpatient interface template offers a bundle of two HL7 interface templates intended to support the integration of systems using the A06 Change Outpatient to Inpatient message. This message is used by a Medical Facility to produce and read a Change Outpatient to Inpatient report.

Implementing the A06 Change Outpatient to Inpatient message has never been easier than with the PilotFish eiConsole for Healthcare.

This ADT A06 Change Outpatient to Inpatient interface template allow you to:


  • A paint-by-numbers approach for configuring a consumer of the A06 message
  • A pre-configured conversion of the A06 message to friendly XML
  • A pre-loaded mapping template for mapping a Change Outpatient to Inpatient XML message onto a proprietary data format

Produce-ADT A06

  • A paint-by-numbers approach for producing a A06 message
  • A pre-loaded mapping template for mapping your data onto an Outpatient to Inpatient report
  • A pre-configured conversion of the XML Outpatient to Inpatient message to an HL7 message
  • This interface bundle also features sample HL7 and XML messages consistent with the Outpatient to Inpatient report

To use this Interface Template:

NOTE: The eiConsole is required for using this template.

To use this Template click the Free Download button above.

For current eiConsole users:

If you are not currently signed into your PilotFish eiConsole account, you will be prompted to do so. Once signed in, the product will be sent directly to your eiConsole. If the eiConsole is currently running, it will be immediately available in your PIE inbox. Simply drag it into your Route File Management panel to begin using it. Otherwise, it will be installed and made available during your next eiConsole startup.

For New eiConsole Users:

You will be prompted to create a PilotFish eiConsole account to download a Free 90 day trial of the PilotFish eiConsole. (It’s easy, you need only provide your email.) After downloading and installing the eiConsole, this template will be immediately available for use in your PIE inbox. To use it simply drag-and-drop the template into your main Route File Management panel. If you’d like help with using the PIE Inbox and PIE templates, please visit our PIE tutorial at http://cms.pilotfishtechnology.com/usingpie.

See our other ADT Templates

ADT-A01 – Admit Patient
ADT-A02 – Transfer Patient
ADT-A03 – Discharge Patient
ADT-A04 – Register (ER) Patient
ADT-A05 – Pre-admit Patient
ADT-A07 – Change Outpatient to Inpatient
"HL7" is a registered trademark of Health Level Seven (HL7), Inc., the non-profit standards developing organization that is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). PilotFish Technology's use of "HL7" is not intended to convey an HL7 endorsement for PilotFish Technology's products. For more information on HL7, please visit their website at www.hl7.org.