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The eiConsole IDE is highly recommended to support graphical development of interfaces for deployment to the eiPlatform runtime

Release Date
February 28, 2011
Resource Type
Core Product

Product details

XCS Enterprise Integration Platform

The XCS Enterprise Integration Platform (XCS eiPlatform) is an integration server that enables any system to be interfaced with any other system or systems regardless of platform, operating system, database, data format or communications protocol. It is a complete Java framework that leverages application server technology, web services and industry XML standards to support the operation of internal and external system interfaces and seamless trading partner integration. The XCS eiPlatform is the runtime complement to the XCS eiConsole.

How it Works

The Listener component "listens" for information available from the Source system. A comprehensive list of Listeners is supported including: Database SQL, Directory, Document Style Web Service, Email (POP3), FTP, FTP Over SSL (Implicit and Explicit), HTTP Form/Post, HTTP Post, JMS, MSMQ, Programmable, RMI, SOAP Web Service, and WebSphere MQ. Custom Listeners may also be added through the use of the XCS eiPlatform Extension Interface.

After a Listener has received a transaction, but before it is passed to the next stage, the transaction can be passed to a sequence of Processors. A Processor is a modular component that is capable of performing various operations such as: Decryption, Decompression, EBCDIC/ASCII conversion, MIME Multi-part Processing, SOAP Unwrap, Validation, and many, many more.

The Transform component transforms the data from the proprietary format of the Source system into an industry standard or common (canonical) format. All of the popular XML standards are supported. Companies can also define their own "common model", extend an existing one, or use a hybrid representing a combination of standards.

The Router Component routes the data to the target system or systems using a routing rules engine. The Router component also captures and reports transaction detail, audit information and errors.

A second Transform component transforms the data from the industry-standard XML format to the format(s) of the Target system or systems.

A second Processor may be configured to perform operations to prepare the data for transport to the target system.

The Transport component is responsible for the delivery of the data to the Target system or systems in the exact format, transport and encryption method required. Transports include Database SQL, Directory Drop, Document Style Web Service, Email (SMTP), FTP, FTP Over SSL (Implicit and Explicit), HTTP Form/Post, HTTP Post, JMS, MSMQ, Programmable, RMI, SOAP Web Service, and WebSphere MQ. Custom Transports may also be added through the use of the XCS eiPlatform Extension Interface.

A single interface deployed to the XCS eiPlatform Java framework can have as many source systems and target systems as required. Additionally, an unlimited number of interfaces can be deployed to a single instance of the XCS eiPlatform.

All of the components that comprise the XCS eiPlatform framework are written in Java. The XCS eiPlatform is compatible with all of the popular application servers, operating systems, and platforms, so it is certain to work within your IT infrastructure. All of the components are easily configurable and extensible through open APIs.